Dear USAG and USOC…

Open Letter to USAG and USOC…

I’d love to be part of the team to help USAG regain public trust and respect as we take care of the athletes. I’m more than happy to relocate to IN or anywhere necessary and am not on any gymnastics club payroll. I have nothing to tie me down and I do not play favorites. I would hate to see USAG lose their position with the USOC.

I am still active in our sport, offering private training and writing articles and books. My background is very unique. I have over 40 years of experience in the sport as a gymnast, coach, club owner, writer, congress presenter, and industry member.

I was in the NYPD (resigned when I bought my gymnastics club.), have the NSCA-CSCS certification, spent 30 years as a business owner, and ten years as a gymnastics club owner.  I also have extensive management, advertising, marketing, and computer experience.

I did the SafeSport and Heads Up Concussion certifications as soon as I saw the email for them because I knew the importance of those topics. I have spoken up and acted when I have seen and heard unsafe situations. I fired a coach from my club in the 1990’s because he was doing inappropriate things with the gymnasts such as allowing them to sit on his lap and tickling them. He was never alone with them and I did not allow it to escalate to that. He had two warnings to stop “playing” with the girls and then he was terminated. I also got a restraining order to keep him away from my gym. I have always taken athlete safety very seriously.

I went to law school (after my gym flooded and I lost everything) because I wanted to be a prosecutor. Back in the late 1980’s and 1990’s I was doing background checks on coaches who applied to work for me and I called EVERY previous job on their resumes. I have always looked out for the safety of athletes under my care. I want to help USAG do that too. Our athletes deserve that.

Please contact me to discuss how I can help USAG and USOC. I have references, client testimonials/letters, and a list of completed CEU’s on my resume. I’ll gladly send it via email or postal mail.

Here are some testimonials…

Again, let me know how I can help…

Karen Goeller, CSCS 908-278-3756 (Bio, Blog) (Private Gymnastics Training and Sports Conditioning) (My Fitness, Gymnastics, Sports, Health Books)

#usagymnastics #usoc #gymnastics #gymnast #athletes #usag #nassar #cscs #olympics

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